
Heaven on Earth - Jake's in Treasure Beach, Jamaica

After the crazy and stressful drive, we arrived at this lovely boutique resort in Treasure Beach.

Our cottage was Abalone II, downstairs of this building with a beautiful ocean view.

This is what you see from your bed. And there's no glass window so imagine what you hear.

Just hang out - that is what vacatios are for.

Dogs have very happy lives too.

This cool man makes all kinds of tropical drinks.

There are 38 cottages in the property, beautifully designed and laid out.

A Swedish couple whom we know from Kevin's company arrived a day after we got there. This is the cottage they stayed. Gourgeous.

You will feel even more relaxed after the heavenly spa and a massage.

All the staff were so friendly and everything was perfect. This is the resort we definetely want to go back.

Jake's Resort - Treasre Beach, Jamaica

2 件のコメント:

  1. 久しぶりです!美香です。楽しそうなお二人の姿を見て、とても羨ましくなりました。それにしても、勝ち組旅行とは凄いですね。Chrisの会社もそういうことすれば、もう少しモチベーションも上がるのに~。

  2. 美香ちゃん、お久しぶり!mixiちゃんと見てますよ。花ちゃんかわいいね~ すごくクリスに似ている気がするのだけど、写真のせいかしら(笑)
