こんな美術館に行ったのは初めて。ここは個人収集家による美術館で、ア-ル・ヌ-ボ-とア-ル・デコを代表する作品が700点余り展示されています。とにかく、ディスプレイの方法がすばらしい。I had never been to a muesum like this before. This museum owns about 700 Art Deco and Art Nouveau works by Emile Galle, Louis Icart, Daum Brothers and Kuniaki Kuroki. The way they display lamps is absolutely gorgeous.

3フロアに展示がされており、真ん中の部分は吹き抜けになっていて幻想的な雰囲気。It has 3 floors and there's a open area in the middle, which gives a mysterious feeling to it.

エミ-ル・ガレの美しいランプ Beautiful lamps by Galle.

ルイ・イカ-ルの「2人の美人」。この絵に出会ったことがきっかけで、この収集家のコレクションが始まった。オ-ナ-はイカ-ルの作品の85%を所有するという。Painting by Icart. This is the first piece the owner met in Paris 40 years ago and he started his collection. He owns 85% of Icart's art works.
Chika, you take really beautiful photographs! What kind of camera are you using???
返信削除Thanks, Alison! I actually used my Mom's camera as I didn't take Kevin's and it was a simple canon camera!